FibroScan in Sugar Land
Painless diagnosis of liver disease

Can I Trust FibroScan®?

FibroScan® is an entirely safe method of analyzing your liver and determining its stiffness and overall condition. FibroScan® examinations deploy non-surgical and non-invasive ultrasound imaging that reduces risks significantly
What Are the Benefits of FibroScan®?
FibroScan® is an effective alternative to a traditional biopsy, offering a range of benefits, including:
- Safety: FibroScan® is a non-invasive treatment with little risk and no downtime after the exam is complete.
- Comprehensive Analysis: The FibroScan® exam provides a deeper and more thorough examination than a standard liver biopsy.
- Immediate Results: Your doctor can provide you with test results between five and 10 minutes after the examination is complete.
- Convenient Procedure: FibroScan® exams are safe, quick, and accurate. Your doctor can conveniently perform a follow-up exam needed.
Healthcare specialists read and interpret FibroScan® results based on two grading criteria: The Steatosis and Fibrosis grades.
The Steatosis grade is based on a CAP score which measures your liver on a decibel per meter range from 100 to 400 dB/m. The higher the CAP score, the fattier change your liver has undergone.
The Fibrosis grade measures your liver’s stiffness and scarring level. Your healthcare specialist will combine your FibroScan® results and medical history to determine a Fibrosis grade. The range of Fibrosis grades is as follows:
Your doctor may request a FibroScan® exam to reveal more insights about your liver than standard blood tests and biopsies can do. FibroScan® offers an in-depth view of your liver which will help you and your health specialist develop a customized treatment plan suited perfectly for you.
You can expect results back in less than 10 minutes after completing your exam.